Dissiminazione Post - Cyberbullism? No, Tanks
Youth Exchange – Erasmus Plus

This project was a great journey, fulfilled with a lot fun, new information, new contacts, friends and great work. It was good that we developed more of our team-working skills, gathered a lot of information about the cyberbullying, and the potential risks in the internet, so we can be more aware from now then. In my opinion the topic about the cyberbullying is really important in our days, because everyone uses internet, and most of our activities are in the internet world. There are many different ways that you can be interrupted by cyber bullying actions. Also I think that it’s a big problem for the people who take it seriously when they are a victims of cyberbullying, because it leads to a suicidal cases.
I can say that with my new knowledge and ideas I can at least protect my self from cyber attacks, and I think is important for all of the participants in the project to alert more people around them, because this is a serious problem and if it’s not going to be solved soon, we should make it smaller at least.
– 1. Tell us your opinion about the project. What relevant information did you learn? The project was impressive overall. I loved the fact that I was able to step out of my comfort zone. I absolutely enjoyed spending time with my Bulgarian friends and meeting new people and cultures and creating new bonds. I know have deeper and more profound knowledge about cyberbullying. I can understand and recognize it. I can try to prevent it and raise awareness.
– 2. What do you think makes this topic critically important these days? Since we’re living in a more and more digital age, everybody is using social media daily, either for fun or even to work, cyberbullying will be difficult to be ignored or erased from our lives, therefore it’s important to get educated about the topic.
– 3. How can you apply the knowledge gained during the Y.E. & raise awareness about the topic? Since my understanding, experience and knowledge regarding cyberbullying has significantly improved, I can now successfully identify it, recognize it and try to prevent it by raising my voice and standing up against bullying.
- Tell us your opinion about the project. What relevant information did you learn?
I believe this project was a very balanced project, specific for a youth exchange, that managed to combine learning and time for networking and intercultural exchange in a very good way. Over the 10 days of the youth exchange I managed to get more self-confidence, to improve my language and communication skills and to immerse myself in the Italian culture and spirit. Therefore, in my opinion, I believe the project was useful and impactful in many ways – due to the diversity of workshops, activities and people. Finally, in terms of relevant information learnt during the project, I gained new insights into the topic of bullying and cyberbullying: advice for safer online navigation, ways to prevent cybersecurity threats, as well as solutions to combat and respond to cyberbullying.
- What do you think makes this topic critically important these days?
I believe this topic is critically important these days because our lives, regardless of age, happen mostly or in a great amount online, in the digital space. Therefore, the digital space is now more than ever prone to all sorts of negative phenomena that would otherwise happen in the real world: from hate speech and bullying to frauds and identity thefts. For this reason, I believe today it is very important to know how to defend oneself, how to spot malicious acts online and also how to help others going through these kinds of problems.
- How can you apply the knowledge gained during the Y.E. & raise awareness about the topic?
Firstly, I can apply the knowledge gained during the youth exchange by changing and improving my personal behavior online, in order to be more cautious with my online navigation habits and also to be able to spot cyberbullying cases and fight against them. Secondly, in terms of raising awareness about the topic, I am committed to spreading the information gained in the project among peers and friends who are internet users and are prone to cybersecurity and cyberbullying threats everyday. Also, I am planning to raise awareness about the topic among the young students I am working with as a trainer of a school debating club, by introducing this topic as a debating and discussion topic.


Somos Estrella, Lorena, Abe, Sergio y Sami, y queremostomar un momento para expresar nuestro más sinceroagradecimiento por ser parte de este increíble proyecto deErasmus+ centrado en el ciberacoso. Ha sido unaexperiencia asombrosa y queremos compartir lo quehemos vivido.
En primer lugar, queremos decir que hemos disfrutado unmontón siendo parte de este proyecto. Conocer a personasde diferentes culturas y países ha sido una aventuraemocionante. Cada intercambio de ideas y perspectivas hasido enriquecedor y nos ha ayudado a crecer comoindividuos.
Pero lo más importante es lo que hemos aprendido. Hemosadquirido un conocimiento valioso sobre el ciberacoso ylas formas de prevenirlo. También hemos descubiertonuevas estrategias para promover la empatía y el respetoen línea. Este aprendizaje no solo nos ha enriquecido anivel personal, sino que también nos ha dado lasherramientas para marcar la diferencia en nuestrascomunidades.
Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los participantes yorganizadores por hacer que esta experiencia sea tanespecial. Vuestra dedicación y pasión por combatir elciberacoso son inspiradoras. También queremosmencionar los momentos divertidos que compartimosjuntos, que han creado lazos de amistad que esperamosque duren mucho tiempo.
En resumen, estamos agradecidos por esta oportunidad,por lo que hemos aprendido y por las amistades quehemos formado. Esperamos que este proyecto sigateniendo un impacto positivo en muchas más vidas en elfuturo. ¡Gracias de nuevo por todo!
Estrella, Lorena, Abe, Sergio y Sami
#erasmusplusproiect #erasmusplus #vouthexchanges
Tell us your opinion about the project. What relevant information did you learn?
I believe this project was well prepared and covered important and growing problems in today’s society – cyberbullying and what are the hindrances of safely navigating the web and having an online presence. The practical tasks that required creativity to solve these problems were also well balanced with opportunities to have intercultural exchange with other participants and creating a friendly environment. The tasks were well written and pushed everyone to be involved in them and noone was excluded.
During these 10 days I managed to attain a lot of information from both sources – directly through tasks, for example I learned a lot about safely navigating the web, I learned about how severe the problem of cyberbullying is in different countries and how would it be possible to combat it, and also indirectly by communicating with others – I learned about history and traditions of different countries from the participants, their views on various topics and a lot about local history of Puglia, their culture, traditions, etc.
What do you think makes this topic critically important these days?
The issue of cyberbullying holds immense significance today, especially as the lives of young individuals revolve around two interconnected worlds: the physical realm and their online presence. While these realms intertwine, online identities can be manipulated far more easily. It’s a rapidly escalating concern, given that many youths prioritize their online personas, providing bullies with a lot of space to propagate their manipulative behaviors.
What makes this issue worse is the ease with which cyberbullying can be carried out anonymously, leaving victims defenseless and vulnerable to severe impacts, sometimes even leading to attempts at suicide. Bullying seems to find its way to affect young people, but actions should be taken to hold bullies accountable and educate the youth about safe internet navigation, creating online identities, understanding the consequences of bullying, and empathizing with the suffering of its victims.
How can you apply the knowledge gained during the Y.E. & raise awareness about the topic?
The knowledge I’ve acquired through the Y.E. program lead me to approach online activities with greater caution and navigate the web more securely. I’ve learned the importance of sharing personal information cautiously, understanding its susceptibility to manipulation by anyone who comes across it. Moreover, I’ve learned how to detect potential cyberbullying attempts and develope strategies to either prevent them or show support to victims, educating them on effectively coping with such challenges.
In terms of raising awareness about cyberbullying, I’m committed to disseminating information on identifying cyberbullying, recognizing signs of someone experiencing it, and offering aid to victims. I’m dedicated to educating those around me – be it close friends, colleagues, or acquaintances – on these aspects. For instance, many of my coworkers have young children who are either entering or already in school, so I’ve taken the initiative to educate them about the gravity of this issue and how to proactively prevent it.


1. In this project we improved several skills, such as creativity due to the development of the proposed activities (making stories through photos and videos, developing a mockup, editing, etc), communication (strengthening the ability to express ourselves and communicate, especially in English, being receptive to different points of view) and adaptation (different cuisines, diversity of cultures).
As far as the project is concerned, it was essential as we had a more impactful idea of the risks we run and how to act in this type of situation.We also realized the serious physical, psychological and emotional consequences that cyberbullying can have on victims, as well as how to prevent it.
2. This topic is extremely important because nowadays people are increasingly susceptible to using electronic devices (cell phones, computers, tablets, etc.) from an early age. Excessive use of these devices can make them more vulnerable, since the risks are increasing and young people have no idea how to deal with problems, as well as a lack of information on how to solve/support them.
Addressing cyberbullying is fundamental in today’s society in order to raise awareness among the younger generations with the aim of preventing it, making the issue of protection, safety and well-being essential for everyone.
3. After completing this project, our sensitivity and awareness of these situations increased significantly. We found ourselves much better prepared to analyze and identify these situations more accurately, allowing us to act calmly and appropriately, adopting more effective approaches to deal with them.
We learned how to protect personal information, how to avoid online scams and, above all, where to go for help in this type of situation.
By taking part in this project, we were able to develop various personal skills, as well as growth, self-confidence and independence that we can apply in the various situations of our daily lives.
“Exciting News! In this September we had an outstanding chance to visit southern Italy by an Erasmus+ youth exchange, thanks to our Hungarian organization Európa Ifjúsága Egyesület and a wonderful Italian association, MediterrArt APS. Amidst breathtaking views , passionate discussions took place among diverse minds from various countries, aiming to combat cyberbullying. Together, we explored innovative strategies, shared experiences, and fostered understanding to create a safer online space for all. The warmth of Italy matched the warmth of collaboration and dedication shown by all participants . Gratitude to everyone involved for their enthusiasm and commitment in making this project a steppingstone towards a kinder, more respectful digital world . Let’s continue to spread awareness and take action against cyberbullying!”
“Youngsters from 7 countries around the European Union gathered in the beautiful camping of Porto Pirrone (Italy) – for an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange – to learn and discuss about a very important topic nowadays: the cyberbullying.
In the 0. Day of the project, we landed in Bari, the biggest city of the region ‘Puglia’. Here we had a chance to discover and directly experience the Italian way of living, thinking and finally – their magnificent gastronomy. After that, we travelled by bus to Porto Pirrone, and during our journey we were able to see the city of Taranto, which has a sparkling nightlife. (Taranto also has one of the busiest harbors in Europe btw.)
Later, the project started with ‘ice-breaking’ exercises, where we could get to know each other better – to create a trustworthy and ‘safe’ environment is an unmissable step towards efficient work on the project. Then our facilitator guided us through the phenomenon of cyberbullying with every small detail of it. We had to come up with ideas, work in groups to solve the prevailing problems according to the topic. Content-creation was also a part of the process, which may sound controversial, although the platforms of social media are the most suitable places these days to raise awareness of any problematic field of life.
Furthermore, every country had an ‘Intercultural night’, which were personally my favorite, because we could learn plenty about the participant countries’ traditions, try their food etc.
The project ended with an evaluation. We also had to say goodbye to the foreign participants and organizers, which is maybe the hardest part of these projects.
To summarize my personal experience – I would say – that was quite a way to meet with the system of non-formal education. Every one of us fought for a noble cause and used the way of critical thinking which led to interesting debates and conclusions about cyberbullying. I met with a bunch of beautiful and valuable people from all around Europe. Also, that was my first time as a group leader which was a pleasant role to be in, and I’m ready for much more in the future! Thanks to everyone who made this project happen!”
“In this September we had an outstanding chance to visit southern Italy by an Erasmus+ youth exchange, thanks to our Hungarian organization ‘Európa Ifjúsága Egyesület’ and a wonderful Italian association, MediterrArt APS. Our accommodation was in Porto Pirrone Camping , where we lived in comfortable little bungalows. Seven countries had been participating ( ) and we spent eleven wonderful days together. The topic of the project was Cyberbullyism and we got to know many astonishing facts about it through group assignments even in national and international teams. The association also provided us many fascinating programs, like visiting the nearby city, Taranto, cleaning Porto Pirrone’s beautiful beach , spending together seven intercultural nights, where we got to know about all the participating countries’ cultures, and we spent the Italian one at a cool bar with live music and dinner. This project was surely an adventure of a lifetime for everyone, we met the kindest people and made many friends! Thank you so much Mediterrart for this whole wonder we could be part of, and of course, thank you Európa Ifjúsága Egyesület – Youth of Europe Association for another perfect opportunity!”
“In the digital age, combating cyberbullying is essential, given its wide-ranging emotional and psychological consequences. Raising awareness is key to creating a safer online environment, fostering empathy, and encouraging responsible digital behaviour. As social media platforms remain the primary communication channels, addressing cyberbullying becomes essential to promote positive interactions and protect the mental well-being of users.”
“Participating in this Erasmus+ project provided us useful informations about cyberbullying. We defined the expression, cyberbullism, and every nation has set examples of how cyberbullying occurs in their country. We realized that all the nations are dealing with the same problem related to this topic. We emphasized the importance of prevention but talked about the possible consequences as well. We were figuring out different scenarios and presented them on photo collages and in videos. In all the cases the focus was on how to solve the made-up situations which probably have happened with someone before. All in all, through this project all the participants gained valuable insights, skills, and knowledge on how to address and prevent cyberbullying effectively.”
“There are many ways I can use the experiences that I gained during the youth exchange. For example, I can make posts with photos and explanations that grab people’s attention on social media platforms with the help of my knowledge. That way I can spread awareness about cyberbullying and maybe decrease it by letting people know more about it. I would also like to talk about it with as many people as possible personally to let them know how many problems bullying can cause. The kids who already use social media platforms, I would like to educate through playful activities and that way I can help them by showing what is the right way to use these platforms. Last but not least, I would like to also help elderlies know more about this topic, because in my opinion cyberbullying threatens every age groups.”
#erasmusplusproject #erasmusplus #youthexchange #cyberbullyismnothanks #cofoundedbyeu #eie #europaifjusaga
#cyberbullying #endcyberbullying #cofoundenbyeu #digitalwellbeing